Purple Fashion N°39 : The New York Issue -  Collectif - PURPLE INSTITUT

Purple fashion n°39 : the new york issue

The next issue is all about New York. After a few years in Los Angeles and in Mexico City, the magazine is coming back to New York City to explore the vibrant intellectual and artistic capital of the US. New York City has historically been a magnet: the center of contemporary art and the heart of underground culture in America. The magazine will explore the city who has<br /> always inspired Purple through its creativity, as well as generations of artists, talents, and designers attracted by its relentless energy. What's new in NYC today? What's going on now in the music scene, in the artworld, in fashion? What is the New York style today? What are the new places, faces, and designers? And who are the people that today shape the city as a progressive and creative megalopolis? What is the mythology of the city, its true spirit? What about the sexual<br /> and queer revolution that the city ushered in since the 70s? What possibilities can New York provide for the world today?
Disponible sous 3/4 jours

Quantité en stock : 0

EAN 3663322123429
Date de parution 03/2023
Format 33 mm x 325 mm x 240 mm
Nombre de pages 150
Serie Guides verts europe
Presentation Broché
Où nous trouver ?
La Griffe Noire
2 Rue de la Varenne
94100 St Maur-des-fossés

La Griffe Noire BD
11 Rue de la Varenne
94100 St Maur-des-fossés
Horaires d'ouverture

Lundi au samedi : 9h à 19h

Dimanche : 10h30 à 13h

La Griffe Noire : 01 48 83 67 47
La Griffe Noire BD : 01 48 89 13 88




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