Timote visits orsay

Massonaud emmanuelle
Timoté discovers the Musée d'Orsay!Today, Timoté is going to visit the Musée d'Orsay with his family and his friends. As soon as they arrive in front of the museum, a huge rhinoceros sculpture impresses the little group! In the main hall, they discover the big clock of what used to be a railway station, the grandfather explainsDuring their visit, they admire Millet's painting Des glaneuses , Vincent Van Gogh's La Nuit étoilée and Edouard Manet's Le Fifre . Later, they are moved by Berthe Morisot's Le Berceau . In front of the bronze statue Petite danseuse by Edgar Degas, the children are amazed! How beautiful! All the children wonder about the strange birds in Claude Monet's Les Dindons . They also admire Paul Cézanne's Pommes et oranges and Auguste Renoir's Dances The happy little group finishes off this fantastic visit with a snack in the museum restaurant and a tour through the bookshop! What a wonderful day!

Quantité en stock : 2

EAN 9782324035340
Éditeur GRUND
Collection Timoté
Date de parution 16/05/2024
Format 180x178
Nombre de pages 32
Presentation Relié
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La Griffe Noire
2 Rue de la Varenne
94100 St Maur-des-fossés

La Griffe Noire BD
11 Rue de la Varenne
94100 St Maur-des-fossés
Horaires d'ouverture

Lundi au samedi : 9h à 19h

Dimanche : 10h30 à 13h

La Griffe Noire : 01 48 83 67 47
La Griffe Noire BD : 01 48 89 13 88




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