Billy summers

king, stephen
COVER TO BE REVEALED 29 JANUARY, 2021. From legendary storyteller and No. 1 bestseller Stephen King, whose ''restless imagination is a power that cannot be contained'' ( The New York Times Book Review ), comes a thrilling new novel about a good guy in a bad job. Billy Summers is a man in a room with a gun. He''s a killer for hire and the best in the business. But he''ll do the job only if the target is a truly bad guy. And now Billy wants out. But first there is one last hit. Billy is among the best snipers in the world, a decorated Iraq war vet, a Houdini when it comes to vanishing after the job is done. So what could possibly go wrong? How about everything. This spectacular can''t-put-it-down novel is part war story, part love letter to small town America and the people who live there, and it features one of the most compelling and surprising duos in King fiction, who set out to avenge the crimes of an extraordinarily evil man. It''s about love, luck, fate, and a complex hero with one last shot at redemption. You won''t put this story down, and you won''t forget Billy.

Quantité en stock : 1

EAN 9781529365726
Collection 212 grand
Date de parution 27/07/2021
Format 40 mm x 240 mm x 162 mm
Presentation Relié
Où nous trouver ?
La Griffe Noire
2 Rue de la Varenne
94100 St Maur-des-fossés

La Griffe Noire BD
11 Rue de la Varenne
94100 St Maur-des-fossés
Horaires d'ouverture

Lundi au samedi : 9h à 19h

Dimanche : 10h30 à 13h

La Griffe Noire : 01 48 83 67 47
La Griffe Noire BD : 01 48 89 13 88



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